Growing up and moving on. | explodedsoda
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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Growing up and moving on.

In 8 days I'll be starting my senior year of college. Quite possibly one of the most frightening things that's ever happened. Where have the last four years of my life gone?
I've never really been ready to grow up and the thought that I'll soon be entering the "real world" scares the shit out of me. Especially in this economy. I already know quite well that my school hasn't done the best job educating me in my major (I'm not qualified for almost any of the computer science internships that come up on so I'm probably not going to be getting the best job right off the bat. Then there are the money issues that arise from not finding a job after college (rent, student loans, other bills), it's 9 months away and I'm starting the freak out session already. Great.

I did, however, get an internship this past year. It was by complete accident, browsing erecruiting picking out internships that sounded compsci/IT related. I read the description not realizing it wasn't for a computer science major but only seeing that "HEY! I can do all this stuff!" After realizing my mistake (and nearly skipping calling them back and then again almost skipping the interview) and hearing "Well you're not really what we're looking for" I was pretty sure it wasn't going to go anywhere. But, lucky me, I got one of the internship positions. It's basically a construction company, and while I did some IT related stuff, I'm basically a secretary administrative assistant. Sweet job perks, some interesting stuff but this isn't the place for all that.

A lot of other things have happened this past year.
- I've reconnected with best friends who I've been slightly out of touch with.
- I've lost a best friend, which I can admit was partly my fault.
- I've turned 21 and have acquired a taste for beer.
- I got my own apartment. A VERY small studio, living all by my lonesome.
- I did something spontaneous and planned a mini vacation without anyone's permission.
- I worked two jobs while taking an extra class at the same time, finishing my Junior year and my JYEL requirement.
- I've been inside and to the top of the Wrigley Field scoreboard.

Some good things some bad things, nothing really worth going into detail about, just know that I've made some mistakes that I've learned from and some things have happened that have made me a stronger person. Before you know it I'll be tough as nails.

I don't tend to blog much as I usually end up rambling or ranting more than I'd care to. Since I'm not on Myspace much anymore and you want to keep up with me I DO twitter on a daily basis: (don't turn text updates on for me, trust me it's a bad idea).