Nerd Fashion - Geekweave Armor Leggings | explodedsoda
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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Nerd Fashion - Geekweave Armor Leggings

One can never have enough nerdy leggings, so thank goodness for Geekweave! They're working on starting a line of video game armor inspired leggings, and they look completely awesome. Geekweave just launched their Kickstarter earlier this week and are already over halfway to their goal of $15,000. Be sure go to and check it out!

See Also: More Awesome Nerdy Leggings

Currently they're offering three designs. The Satina Paladin, Skull Reaver, and Mecha. Check out more pictures after the break!

And just in case you missed it above here's another link to their Kickstarter